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Free Film Workshops for Students

Who Are We?
The Cinematography Awards Foundation is an association of film festivals which highlight excellence in cinematography.
It is legally established, and is managed by industry professionals.

Our Mission:
To contribute to understanding of the importance of cinematography to the art and craft of filmmaking.
To encourage and assist the career development of cinematographers.
Last Workshops:
The date will be announced soon…
Foundation Activities:
Film Festivals
CAWARDS is an organization that supervise film festivals under its patronage. The Foundation makes sure it assesses filmmakers to their highest standard.
Educational Activities
Initiating discussions and discourse relating to cinematography and photography. We are doing educational activities about the art and craft of filmmaking through our free training for underprivileged children and young people.
Grant Funds
Setting up grant funds to support filmmakers; financing awards granted in recognition of outstanding achievements in the art and craft of filmmaking.
International Networking
Involvement in activities that foster integration and international cooperation in the area of cinematography. Organising and participating in lectures, courses, symposia, discussions, seminars, study tours, apprenticeships, contests, festivals, etc.
This campaign from Cinematography Awards Foundation aims to give youth a chance to make the first step in learning the basics of taking pictures.

Build with our Foundation a Brighter Future
CineLab Talents MANILA 2020
19-23 February
Visual Storytelling
Workshops by Film Director Winston Catarroja.
Asian and Los Angeles Cinematography Awards Festival Director.
Lighting Techniques
Masterclass by DOP Peter Wieczorek.
Founder & President of the Cinematography Awards Foundation.
Camera Practice
Workshops by DOP Joao MB Costa.
Lecturer at the film department of SAE Institute Amsterdam.
CineLab Talents NAGA 2020
17 February - Lighting Techniques Masterclass and Camera Practice Workshops:
Cinematography Awards Foundation
Workshops for children and students
Cinematography Awards Foundation is registered and has a legal personality.
COMPANY nr: 382016367
VAT: 5223144129
Cinematography Awards Foundation | All Rights Reserved. 2015-2020 © Created by CAWARDS.ORG